February 2024 Dawson Trail Dispatch: In the tall-grass prairie, there is no other species at risk that we live more closely with than the barn swallow.
January 2024 Dawson Trail Dispatch: Yellow rail are very seldom seen; more often, they are heard making a distinct “click-click” call that sounds as if two small stones are being tapped together.
December 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: The common nighthawk has picked up the nickname “mosquito hawk” due to their ability to eat over five hundred mosquitoes and other insects in a single night.
November 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: The American badger is a member of the weasel family. They are equipped with powerful front legs and claws, making them excellent diggers.
October 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: One way to distinguish olive-sided flycatchers from other flycatchers is by their distinct call, which has been said to sound like “quick, three beers.”
September 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: The golden-winged warbler may be hard to spot, but if you are lucky enough to see this showy songbird, it could be a highlight of your autumn birding season.
August 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: Culver’s root was named after Dr. Culver, an early eighteenth-century physician who recommended the plant for various medicinal uses.