August 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: Culver’s root was named after Dr. Culver, an early eighteenth-century physician who recommended the plant for various medicinal uses.
July 2023 Carillon News: The only place in Canada the endangered western prairie fringed orchid can be found is in this little corner of Manitoba. Roughly 50 per cent of the world’s population of the flower grows on a 48 square kilometre piece of land just outside Vita in the RM of Stuartburn.
June 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: Did you know we have our very own symbol of conservation right here in the tall-grass prairie that has a lower population than other endangered species like giant pandas or mountain gorillas?
May 2023 Dawson Trail Dispatch: May is a very exciting time in the tall-grass prairie, especially for birdwatchers. The spring migration is well underway, bringing new species to the area daily.